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        Paid For Surf        
PaidForSurf have partnered up with some advertisers in order to pay you for surfing. PaidForSurf is currently available worldwide, yet funds will only be issued in US Dollars from a US bank at this time.
It works at the same principal as the other GPTS programs. You can earn big money for every hour that you are online no matter what application you use! As long as you are online and using their SurfBar, then you are earning money. It doesn't matter which application you are using. They will pay you while you are surfing the web, checking email, using your word processor, or even while you play games!
They take 50% of every dollar that they earn, and put that into SurfCash. SurfCash money is used to payout for referrals and for hourly usage of the SurfBar. The more they make, the more you make! Based on January 2000 numbers the payout would have been $0.40/hour for an UNLIMITED number hours. They have a goal to payout over $1.00/hour by September 2000.
The Beta SurfBar has been released to all members Jan 3, 2000. Currently they will pay for an UNLIMITED number of hours. For every person you refer they will pay you $0.10 for every hour your Direct referral uses their SurfBar, and for every person your direct referral refers up to four levels deep you will receive $.05 for every hour your indirect referral surfs. However, in order to get paid for your referrals, you must match or exceed the number of hours that they surf.


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