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itadsup sells the PC-Bar, PoPuP and splash (banner) space to advertisers. By keeping their overhead costs to a minimum, they’re able to use a large portion of those advertising revenues to pay their members.
As soon as you become an itadsup member, you’ll be given an ID number and required to download their pcbar. The pcbar displays advertisements. Size-wise, it’s just a little taller than the Windows 95/98 taskbar at the bottom of your screen. You can remove the pcbar at any time with just one click
Whenever you are online and the pcbar is active, itadsup will pay you $0.50 USD per hour. Currently individual memberships are limited to 60-hours a month, which will net you $30 U.S.
For every person you refer to itadsup, they’ll pay you $0.10 USD for every hour that those folk are on line with the pcbar active. They’ll also pay you US$0.05/hour for extended referrals, 4 levels deep. There’s no limit to the number of direct referrals you make.
Members whose accounts exceed $20 USD will be paid by check on the 5th of every month. It might take you a month or two to generate that amount. In those circumstances your unpaid earnings will be carried forward into the next month. By accessing their site, you can keep track of the amount they owe you and the number of your direct and extended referrals.


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